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Breath Made Visible | DVD for Colleges & Universities

Image of Breath Made Visible | DVD for Colleges & Universities

$125.00 - On Sale

2010 Best Documentary, Dance Magazine

*** 1/2, "Highly Recommended"

"This film is recommended for high school through adult viewer, and supports instruction and research in dance, aging studies, social history, and expressive arts therapy. Highly recommended" .

"A fascinating figure ... Recommended"

"Breath Made Visible should be mandatory viewing for dance fans, but due to Anna Halprin’s colorful life story, anyone should find it appealing".

BREATH MADE VISIBLE is the first feature length film about the life and career of Anna Halprin, the American dance pioneer who has helped redefine our notion of modern art with her belief in dance's power to teach, heal, and transform at all ages of life.


"I hope Breath Made Visible received wide-spread viewing in colleges everywhere. I was enraptured by this remarkable film, which moved and inspired me. Breath Made Visible deepened my appreciation of Anna Halprin's work, documenting her evolution as an influential dance artist within the social context of her time, while also illuminating her own inner journey."
-Barbara Forbes, Professor, Sarah Lawrence College

"Breath Made Visible is a beautifully intimate portrait of one of the most influential artists and teachers of the twentieth century, Anna Halprin. The film vividly portrays her charismatic personality and her work achieves a density and cohesiveness that invites rediscovery of just how profoundly significant she has been in shaping American culture." -Janice Ross, Professor, Drama Department. Director of Dance Division, Standford University. President, Society of Dance History Scholars

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